Friday, August 28, 2009

PreSchool Day 2

I had a great second day at preschool! I didn't even cry when it was time for me to go to my classroom. I went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast with my friends. I chose Coco Puffs but I did not like them. I won't choose them again! When I got to my room there was a loud noise - it was the fire alarm. The entire school had to go outside because of a fire drill. I thought that it was loud but I wasn't scared enough to cry. We played on the playground again today and I asked my teacher, Miss Donna, to go down the curvy slide with me. She said her legs were to long, but she went anyway! For art today, we painted our hands and made handprints.

Instead of playing, I stood beside my teacher, Miss Gay, and watched everyone make their handprints. When it was time to go, the school bus was in front of the school. I wanted to ride it so badly! Some of my friends get to ride it home. Mommy said maybe someday . . .

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