Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Fun!

Hooray for snow!

We tried sledding down the hill.

The snow was so powdery that Daddy just had to pull me on the sled! FUN!

Then I tried the saucer and Daddy tried the sled.


Daddy had more luck on the saucer than I did.

Then we tried building a snowman.

Here is our poor snowman. He is more of a snowpile. We had fun anyway!

Look at my swingset!

I'm not too happy about this.

Daddy told me to throw a snowball at Mommy!

Look at this! Bird footprints!

I loved playing in the snow!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow! Y'all got a lot of snow! :) We got mostly ice down here, and it was so pretty on the trees, but your snow is beautiful!